Thursday, 29 March 2012

hebatnya ujian-MU

ya Allah..
dengan kekuasaan Mu..
setelah aku ternampak dia dan kekasihnya..
terus aku post di fb..
 for the long time..
aku hope he will be waiting for me tapi hampess ko..
aku geram gak la tapi i will never crying for the man that is not halal to me..

but suddenly,terkejot kot..
baru balik dinner dengan oni je..
suddenly my fon ringing.. i thought it was my mom..
sebab dah janji nak balik tapi tak balik gak..

guess what???
he called me..
i remember his voice..
tapi no. tak keluar sebab dia guna celcom..
aku just hafal no.maxis dia je..

so now aku just wanna be friends..
kalau lu taknak silakan angkat kaki dan main jauh2..
adios agigos..

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