today i felt very tired. i didnt start yet reading my notes for the coming midterm. this is me. i always take easy on everything. then if anything bad happen baru nak menyesal. anyway, i believe in Allah. if i am sincere in doing job, HE will bless me. Insya Allah.
i started my day by doing revision with my bff, atiqah. actually its not revision but sort of tutoring. she asked me to teach business finance at mcd. we studied till lunch hour.
then i pick up my little bro and send him back home. i just feel geram with him. i dont know why. then at home, he asked me something. he want to borrow my skuter. i felt uneasy everytime i let him using my skuter. and it is true. something bad happen. skuter rosak.
i cant control myself and marah dia. astaghfirullah. not him only, everyone has been scold by me. thats why i feel so terrible, annoying, disgusting etc. hati rasa tak tenang je sebab dah marah teruk sangat. i love him although he always make my whole family annoyed by his attitude.
anyway shaari, ko takkan baca blog ni sebab ko tak tahu kewujudannya. tapi orang mintak maap sebab takde intention pun.

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